Thursday, December 6, 2012

A lot of Museums...

What: Halsey Exhibit

Who: Don ZanFanga

When: December 5, 2012

Where: The Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art

Price: Free

The exhibit that is currently at the Halsey is centered around this "Pulse Dome".  Is artist featured in the exhibit is Don ZanFanga.  His dome is to put in Marion Square over the fountain.  In the exhibit there was a 3D model of the Pulse dome along with some concept art.  All around the walls of the exhibit were filled with different kinds paintings and drawings much like the one down below.

When I was in the Halsey I was not quite sure what the pulse dome was so I had to go home to do a little research.  ZanFanga created the dome which was inspired by insect hives, wombs, and caves.  ZanFanga wanted his architecture to coexist with harmony in a way.  Overall, I enjoyed the Halsey and the exhibit.  The exhibit was unique, I have never seen someone want to integrate nature into architecture which I find to be very interesting.  I can not wait to see the Pulse Dome after it is built.

What: Holocaust Museum

When: November 21, 2012 (I think)

Where: Holocaust Museum in Washington DC

Price: Free (except with a thirty minute wait)

The Holocaust Museum in Washington DC was one of the most informative places about the Holocaust I've ever been to.  The museum had personal belongings of Holocaust victims, such as wooden tooth brushes,  There were dioramas of concentration camps which were very detailed and pointed out places where the victims stayed or where the gas chambers were.

Although the Museum was one of the most interesting places I've every been, I felt sick to my stomach the entire time.  I think the most memorable thing I remember about the museum was this video about experiments performed on the Jews.  The content of the video was so graphic that the museum put the T.V down into a sort of make shift box with a glass covering it, so little kids couldn't see the video.  The video showed Nazi scientists performing gruesome experiments on Jews such as a pressure experiment that would burst the victims internal organs.  Overall I liked the museum, it was informative and showed the truths of the Holocaust the textbooks were not allowed to show.

 The Charleston Museum

When: Sometime in October...

Where: Charleston Museum

Price: Free

I think every kid that has lived in Charleston has gone to the Charleston Museum.  I have gone to the Charleston Museum more than I can count on my fingers and it has not changed.  Most of the exhibits are the same, the kids section is still even there.  When I went they had told an exhibit had just opened, the Charleston Militia. The exhibit said that the Milita was formed during the Civil War to protect those in Charleston.  The exhibit had clothes the milita wore and some of the weapons they used.

I think the Museum was boring, mostly because I had been there so much.  I do believe the museum is the ideal place for children, but the museum does a bad job of captivating a more mature audience.

What: The Smithsonian Institution

When: November 21, 2012 (I think)

Where: Washington, DC

Price: Free

Little known fact, the Smithsonian is the biggest museum in the world.  There are in total 19 museums in the Smithsonian, wish I had time to see them all but I was only able to visit one.  The museum I went to was the Air and Space museum, the goto place to learn anything about aeronautical engineering  and design.  In the museum was one of the first planes ever created a biplane, along with the UAV (Unmanned Arieal Vehicle).

Overall I really liked the museum, it showed how much technology has improved over the years.  Also there was a dehydrated space monkey, if that isn't reason enough to go to the Smithsonian.

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